Saturday, February 12, 2011


breaking the ice with my audience, eases the stress and assures me I am among friends...

January begun very well with a slew of advertisement for my performance of The Griot's Journey at the Friends of Waterloo Region History-telling Series. It must have been fuelled by the explosion of enthusiasm at the New Year. I was on local TV, on the Daytime program on the 6th, and the following week, thrice on radio in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Then there were two newspaper features. The first appeared in the Waterloo Chronicle and the second extensive story was written by Valerie Hill for both the Kitchener Record and the Guelph Mercury. What a blast of advertisement! I am still receiving comments and compliments, face to face and on email as I go about my life in Guelph. Now for something that will send positive vibrations via my book "Between Sisters", Candawide and to the USA and all over Africa! What did you say? Keep Hope Alive :-))